Sourcing: We will use every means to establish contact with prospective candidates. This will include direct contact by telephone and e-mail with identified prospects. High potential prospects and source individuals previously known to AL SANEA will be contacted immediately, at the beginning of the search. Sourcing continues until the search is completed. Evaluation and Presentation of Candidates: Interviews will be arranged following the Phase 1 Progress Review. After screening numerous prospects by telephone, we will arrange between the client and the candidate for an interview of the most promising, wherever they may be located. If travel is required, interviews will be grouped, to the extent possible, to save time and expense. At client's request, we will also conduct an in-depth assessment of internal candidates relative to the recruitment profile. Progress Review: This progress review will be as soon as we have identified a group of three to five qualified candidates. This discussion is critical to both finishing the search quickly and to fine-tuning our ongoing sourcing effort. PHASE 2 OBJECTIVES • Initiate direct contact with highest potential
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