Educational Channel |
AL-SANEA channels
the power of the Internet to link individuals,
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Surveys Resources |
page lists international salary surveys links
and resources: |
Jobs Salary Ticker - Find out how you
rate. Compare your salary to others.... |
- A valuable source for salary information. Includes
Salary Wizard searchable database of salary ranges
for jobs throughout the U.S., with basic job descriptions. |
Salary Info Center - JobStar's Salary Surveys
have been featured in:
Fortune Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Glamour,
Money, Good Housekeeping, PC World & U.S.
News & World Reports. |
Source - Provides salary surveys, information,
and average compensation data. Also includes industry
and region specific wage reports and pay ranges
and index of job descriptions. |
Survey Data - ERI Economic Research Institute
offers salary survey database software, as well
as other human resource and demographic information
relating to employee salary and compensation. |
- Free salary survey and
cost of living reports. Find out what your job
is worth. Salary survey data, compensation reports,
and job descriptions for career planning. |
Business Annual Salary Survey 2004 - Gulf
Business’ eighth annual salary survey weeds
among the stagnation, looking for the sectors
and skills that will see you most likely to improve
your standing. |